dijous, 7 de maig del 2020

Where can we get ideas to teach English to kids?

I'd like to recommend  Resources Books for Teachers ( OUP) a book collection that contains advice and ideas for teaching children. These books give advice on child development and lesson planning, as well as many ideas for teaching specific language points and topics ( storytelling, drama, songs and chants... )

Me gustaría recomendar la colección de libros   Resources Books for Teachers ( OUP). Esta colección contiene ideas para enseñar inglés a niños. También nos habla del desarrollo de niños y nos presenta un plan de actividades para diferentes puntos del lenguaje y temas ( storytelling, drama, songs and chants... ) que queramos trabajar.

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Flashcards games in Infant Education

Flashcards are a good and motivating tool that I use in class when I teach English in Kindergarten. The use of flashcards helps ...